Luke is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist with Exercise Sports Science Australia. He is also an Accredited Rowing Coach with Rowing Australia.
Luke has a passion for movement because of the physical and psychological benefits it provides. Luke brings this passion into his work as an exercise physiologist.
Luke has considerable experience in the area of musculoskeletal rehabilitation, Cardio-metabolic conditions, disability and sporting populations. His experience managing a broad range of people has allowed him to be effective across the spectrum of rehabilitation to performance.
Luke’s passion for helping people through movement and exercise has come from a sporting background and personal experiences with rehabilitating his own injuries. Luke’s interest in exercise ranges from, swimming, cycling, running, rock climbing, resistance training, and rowing.
Luke’s aim is to bring a high level of care to each and every client he sees. He strives to do this by providing his clients with the tools, experience and knowledge needed to continually improve upon their own health and wellbeing.