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Exercise for hip pain

Hip and pelvic pain is a common musculoskeletal complaint among the people we see an Empower Exercise Physiology and Health. Symptoms like general stiffness in the hip, inability to raise the knee towards your chest, tight muscles in the lower back, groin and gluteal region are signs of mechanical overload or movement issues that require attention.


Hip pain can be the result from an acute injury, but it is the pain that comes on more gradually over time and in association with certain activities that can respond well to an appropriately prescribed exercise program. Left untreated, chronic overuse and overload can contribute to degeneration of joint structures and arthritis. It is important to manage hip pain as early as possible to return to normal activities and avoid long-term problems.


An Exercise Physiologist can help you identify the most effective approach considering your history and how you present during an assessment. 

Hip Pain and Injury

Common hip conditions we can help with

We regularly see a variety of different hip conditions. Following a thorough clinical assessment, we are able to determine the most appropriate exercise program to help you return to your activities in a pain-free and sustainable manner. Click any of the links below to find out more about specific conditions.  

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