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What is a gluteal tendonitis?

Gluteal tendonitis is irritation or inflammation of the gluteal tendons which attach into the greater trochanter, which is the bony lump on the side of someone’s hip. This can present very similarly to a trochanteric bursitis as the pain for both can be in very similar positions but can be differentiated by testing and are treated in different ways. Gluteal tendonitis can be caused by muscular weakness of the glute muscles, poor hip position with sitting, standing, walking or running, and bony factors such as the change in angle of the femoral neck.

Gluteal Tendinitis

How is gluteal tendonitis commonly treated? 

Gluteal tendonitis can be treated with a correction of posture with sitting, standing, walking or running, as increased stretch of these tendons by allowing the knees to drop in can cause irritation and pain. It is also treated by strengthening the gluteal muscles, as muscular imbalances where other muscles must take the load of the gluteal muscles, which places further pressure on the tendons through the iliotibial band (ITB) pressing down on them.


How can an Exercise Physiologist help? 

Rehabilitation of a tendinopathy can be quite difficult, as too much load through a tendon can cause further irritation and pain, which can set back rehabilitation even further. Strengthening a muscle with a tendinopathy needs to be meticulous to ensure the muscle and tendon are being rehabilitated correctly, without pushing the exercises too far. With our knowledge of the human body, we as Exercise Physiologists are able to help you find that balance in re-loading the muscle and tendon and helping you achieve your goals.

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